Staunton High School Counseling Staff
SHS Counseling
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Welcome to Staunton High School's Counseling Center

The mission of our Counseling Program at Staunton High School is to provide all students with the opportunity to acquire the attitude, knowledge, and skills for academic, career, and personal/social development in a safe and supportive environment. The comprehensive school counseling program will educate and empower a collaborative community of learners to achieve academic success and become life-long learners prepared to meet the challenges in our ever-changing, global community.

Our website provides information to Staunton High School students and families on a wide variety of topics. By using the links to the left, you can find detailed information to a broad array of topics. Thank you for taking advantage of this resource.

At times our office can be extremely busy. In order to ensure that we are able to provide you with the best possible assistance, please complete this Form to schedule an appointment

Ms. Francis -Director of Counseling

(ELL Students and Students who's last names start with P-Z)-

Mr. Hale (Students who's last names start with A-G)-

Mrs. Fisher (Students who's last names start with H-O)-

Ms. VanFossen (Registrar/Administrative Assistant)-

Mr. Peters (Career Coach)-

Ms. Rambo (GRASP Coordinator)-,